CI Composite Impulse GmbH & Co
Dipl.-Ing. Arnd Eberhardt
Kalthofs Park 10
58285 Gevelsberg

Company registered office: Gevelsberg
District court Hagen HRA 5195
VAT-ID. No. DE169727974

Legal information
Various links on our internet pages may refer to external services from third parties. You will leave our website if you follow these links. We accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided on the website to which you are directed, nor do we adopt its content as our own or share the opinions expressed therein. We assume no liability in this respect. Furthermore, the Composite Impulse GmbH & Co website may have been addressed by other websites via hyperlink. We assume no responsibility for the presentation, content or connection to Composite Impulse GmbH & Co on third party websites. The content and structure of the websites of Composite Impulse GmbH & Co are protected by copyright. The reproduction of content or data, particularly the use of images, texts and/or parts of texts, requires the express prior permission of Composite Impulse GmbH & Co.

All texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files on the Composite Impulse GmbH & Co website are subject to copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. They may not be copied for commercial purposes or for distribution, nor may they be modified or used on other websites. Excluded from this is the text and image material expressly offered for further distribution under the heading “Press”. We would like to point out that some pages of our website also contain images which are subject to the copyright of those who provided them.

All of the information on this website has been carefully checked. We endeavour to continually expand and update this information. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness, correctness or currency of the information provided. Composite Impulse GmbH & Co provides this information without any assurance or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. Composite Impulse GmbH & Co excludes any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, insofar as these are not based on intent or gross negligence on the part of Composite Impulse GmbH & Co.

Online dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution at, which consumers can use to resolve a dispute and where further information on dispute resolution can be found.

Extrajudicial dispute resolution
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer redress body in the event of a dispute with a consumer.

For further questions: info[at]